Reactive Bounty Program Results

The Reactive Bounty Program highlighted the ease and innovation of Reactive Smart Contracts, resulting in successful implementations and valuable community feedback.

Reactive Bounty Program Results

In June and July, Reactive Network ran its Bounty program. We received many excellent submissions and valuable developer feedback, so we are quite delighted with the outcome. The most important takeaway from the bounty program is that the use cases we envisioned are not only viable but can also be easily built by developers who are just learning about Reactive Smart Contracts. We also gained invaluable insights into how we can improve our documentation and onboarding process.

Here are some numbers:

  • 22 submissions
  • 41 smart contracts deployed
  • Over 70,000 transactions produced
  • 7 out of 10 bounties implemented, 8 prizes won
  • $4,200 out of $5,400 in prizes distributed

Reactive Smart Contract Bounties

And here is the list of the use cases that were successfully implemented (with the links to pull requests / bounty submissions implementing them):

  • Automated Prediction Market - 1 - Reactive Smart Contracts implement automatic payouts based on the outcome of the prediction.
  • Automated Prediction Market - 2
  • Automated Governance - RSCs execute the decision when the number of votes threshold is reached.
  • Automated Funds Distribution - RSCs automatically distribute funds between the share holders when funds arrive.
  • Automated Insurance Payouts - RSCs trigger the payout when the insurance event happens.
  • Automated One-Step Swap - this last one is a use case of particular interest. It reduces the number of user-signed transactions for a user swapping tokens on a DEX or providing liquidity from two to just one, with the second transaction handled automatically by Reactive Network. We expect it to be widely used by DEXes, other DeFi protocols, and aggregators.

Reactive dApp Bounty

We also had a separate bounty for participants who wanted to create not just smart contracts, but an entire dApp with an interface. The submission that won this bounty impressed us with its original and practical use case. The participant implemented a Reactive Cross-Chain ERC-6551 token, which is an NFT that is also an account and can own assets. You can see the code and the video of the interface here.


On top of that, we received very positive feedback from bounty participants. It was incredibly encouraging to read, and it inspires us to further improve our tech and onboarding content, knowing that developers truly see the value it provides. Here are some of the kind words we got from our community:

“I thoroughly enjoyed working on the problem statements, which provided an engaging and thought provoking exploration on Reactive Smart Contracts. The experience sparked innovative thinking, allowing me to approach challenges from unique angles and develop novel solutions. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow, and I am grateful for the experience. Overall, it was a valuable and rewarding challenge that I am happy to have undertaken. Special thanks to the Reactive Network community for their immense support throughout the process.”
“It is really impressive how easy it is to start using Reactive Network. While technology itself can provide cost-effective solutions for time-sensitive tasks, all you really need is basic knowledge of Solidity. Documentation is clear and on point, and any questions you might have will be almost instantly answered by Reactive staff or developer community. If you see any appliance of this tech in your routine – give it a try.” (
“Hi Reactive community. Just wanted to add as of after the wrap up. It was fun to be here. Learn new tech. The past few weeks were amazing working for the bounty program. And yes, special thanks to the Reactive team for always being so helpful.”
“There are many other use cases. A lot more is going to be unlocked with this protocol.” (,

We are deeply grateful to our bounty program participants for the interest they expressed, the code they wrote, the feedback they provided, the knowledge they shared with each other, and for their kind words, too. It means a lot to us, thank you, guys!


We achieved several important objectives with the Reactive Bounty program: we gained adoption within the developer community, got feedback to improve our onboarding process, and confirmed that our tech is indeed useful. Moreover, we obtained valuable experience for upcoming larger events such as the Reactive Hackathon.

Join our Hackathon and bounty program today to start building with Reactive Smart Contracts and bring your innovative ideas to life on the Reactive Network!

About Reactive Network

The Reactive Network, pioneered by PARSIQ, ushers in a new wave of blockchain innovation through its Reactive Smart Contracts (RSCs). These advanced contracts can autonomously execute based on specific on-chain events, eliminating the need for off-chain computation and heralding a seamless cross-chain ecosystem vital for Web3’s growth. 

Central to this breakthrough is the Inversion of Control (IoC) framework, which redefines smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) by imbuing them with unparalleled autonomy, efficiency, and interactivity. By marrying RSCs with IoC, Reactive Network is setting the stage for a transformative blockchain era, characterized by enhanced interoperability and the robust, user-friendly foundation Web3 demands.

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